Custom Models for Auto Labeling
Loading custom models will enable you to use your own models for auto labeling. This is useful if you have a custom model that you have trained on your own data and want to use it for auto labeling. You can also create a labeling - training loop for improving your model incrementally.
- AnyLabeling ≥ 0.2.22.
1. Prepare your model(s)
Convert your model(s) into corresponding format(s) supported by AnyLabeling. The supported format for YOLOv5, YOLOv8 and SegmentAnything is ONNX.
- Convert YOLOv5 to ONNX: (opens in a new tab). Note: The sample models are converted with YOLOv5 v6.2. Other versions may not work.
- Convert YOLOv8 to ONNX: (opens in a new tab).
- SegmentAnything: Please download ONNX files from (opens in a new tab).
Recommendation: Put all the model files in a folder.
2. Create a model config file
Create a model config file config.yaml
in YAML format in the same folder with models. The config file needs to follow the formats below:
type: segment_anything
name: segment_anything_vit_b_quant-r20230416
display_name: Segment Anything (ViT-B Quant)
decoder_model_path: segment_anything_vit_b_decoder_quant.onnx
encoder_model_path: segment_anything_vit_b_encoder_quant.onnx
input_size: 1024
max_height: 682
max_width: 1024
type: yolov5
name: yolov5l-r20230415
display_name: YOLOv5l Ultralytics
model_path: yolov5l.onnx
confidence_threshold: 0.45
input_height: 640
input_width: 640
nms_threshold: 0.45
score_threshold: 0.5
- person
- bicycle
- car
- motorcycle
- airplane
- bus
- train
- truck
- boat
- traffic light
- fire hydrant
- stop sign
- parking meter
- bench
- bird
- cat
- dog
- horse
- sheep
- cow
- elephant
- bear
- zebra
- giraffe
- backpack
- umbrella
- handbag
- tie
- suitcase
- frisbee
- skis
- snowboard
- sports ball
- kite
- baseball bat
- baseball glove
- skateboard
- surfboard
- tennis racket
- bottle
- wine glass
- cup
- fork
- knife
- spoon
- bowl
- banana
- apple
- sandwich
- orange
- broccoli
- carrot
- hot dog
- pizza
- donut
- cake
- chair
- couch
- potted plant
- bed
- dining table
- toilet
- tv
- laptop
- mouse
- remote
- keyboard
- cell phone
- microwave
- oven
- toaster
- sink
- refrigerator
- book
- clock
- vase
- scissors
- teddy bear
- hair drier
- toothbrush
type: yolov8
name: yolov8m-r20230415
display_name: YOLOv8m Ultralytics
model_path: yolov8m.onnx
confidence_threshold: 0.45
input_height: 640
input_width: 640
nms_threshold: 0.45
score_threshold: 0.5
- person
- bicycle
- car
- motorcycle
- airplane
- bus
- train
- truck
- boat
- traffic light
- fire hydrant
- stop sign
- parking meter
- bench
- bird
- cat
- dog
- horse
- sheep
- cow
- elephant
- bear
- zebra
- giraffe
- backpack
- umbrella
- handbag
- tie
- suitcase
- frisbee
- skis
- snowboard
- sports ball
- kite
- baseball bat
- baseball glove
- skateboard
- surfboard
- tennis racket
- bottle
- wine glass
- cup
- fork
- knife
- spoon
- bowl
- banana
- apple
- sandwich
- orange
- broccoli
- carrot
- hot dog
- pizza
- donut
- cake
- chair
- couch
- potted plant
- bed
- dining table
- toilet
- tv
- laptop
- mouse
- remote
- keyboard
- cell phone
- microwave
- oven
- toaster
- sink
- refrigerator
- book
- clock
- vase
- scissors
- teddy bear
- hair drier
- toothbrush
3. Select the model from AnyLabeling UI
In Auto Labeling mode, select ...Load Custom Model from the Auto dropdown. Then select the model config file (config.yaml
) file.
If the model is loaded successfully, you will see the model name in the Auto dropdown.
Note: Please download sample models and configuration files here (opens in a new tab). After downloading, extract the zip file and load the models with above UI.